Friday 13 January 2012

Reflection On Life ...

This isn't a great way to start off my very first blog.  Anyway ... here goes nothing ...

The year 2011 has just passed not long ago and I thought to myself, what have I achieved in that year that I can be proud of.  Most people will just rattle off their long list of career achievements.  I don't have that long a list but I can safely say that I've done pretty well in my career.

However, when I think of what I have achieved in my personal life, I drew a blank!  It depresses me to think that a year has passed and I'm still ... ahem .. single!  Well, the fault lies on no other than myself.  I did not make any move.  I just haven't found the right girl to be with.  Will the year 2012 bring better prospects?  I do not want to sound desperate but I sincerely hope so.  Maybe not as advanced as a boy-gal relationship but certainly having more friends will be welcomed.

Starting from late 2011, I have committed to help a close friend of mine (a tennis friend actually) in this studies.  Why, you might ask?  Why bring back bad memories of my university days?  Well ... I like a second chance in life.  I know I screwed up my undergraduate.  When I looked back at my grades last time ... I am so ashamed.  I am very thankful for my first company (AlliedSignal Aerospace) to overlook all that and trained me up to be a proper engineer that I am today.  And I see a little bit of me in him ... foreign country, away from home for the first time, etc.  I want to help him overcome all that and become a better engineer than I can ever be. 

I better stop before I bore all you readers with my depressing blog entry.  Hahaha ...

These are some random thoughts I have on this Friday nite (yeah ... I'm at home writing this blog.  See how sad this is?).